“Kadare’s House Studio” is the most recent attraction to appear in the city of Tirana, opening in May 2019. The conceptualization and design of the studio was headed by the Municipality of Tirana with the intention to elevate the apartment into a modern, contemporary space.
This historic house studio, where the famous Albanian writer Ismail Kadare lived and worked, is apart of an apartment complex originally designed in 1972 by the architect Maks Velo. Since its construction, this building has been well known for its architecture and incorporation of Cubism.
On the front side of the building one can see the sizeable logo of the “House Studio Kadare,” which is also seen in all catalogs and brochures referencing the house. In general, the original interior setup of the apartment has been preserved in its original state. There are two central rooms in the apartment that function as Kadare’s libraries which include books and magazines in a variety of languages. The exhibition is divided between the writer’s own original documents, objects, books and furniture and added sections dedicated to the works of the writer. In one reading corner, visitors have the opportunity to read for themselves some of the many literary works by Kadare, exploring and researching his ideas at their own pace.
In one of the most interesting rooms of the house, visitors can admire both the interior design, which incorporates design elements that were popular in Tirana in the 1970s and 80s, while also getting the chance to catch a glimpse of several films written by Kadare, these being, “Nusja dhe Shtetrrethimi” and “Ballë për ballë.” In addition, there is a special space devoted to the book, “Gjenerali i Ushtrisë së vdekur” (The General of the Dead Army), which is Kadare’s most famous novel, having been translated into 109 different languages.
A visit to “Kadare’s House Studio” is an invitation to become closely acquainted with the works of this extraordinary author and to understand in more detail his impact on late 20th century literary thought both in Albania and abroad.
Cit:Bashkia Tirane