Both definition are mainly focus on the sustainable tourism and the support of the local community to develop their economy and to preserve their attractive values . In this point of view we will continue to inspire and collaborate with locals to maintain their tradition and to preserve the environment for the future generations . […]
Both definition are mainly focus on the sustainable tourism and the support of the local community to develop their economy and to preserve their attractive values . In this point of view we will continue to inspire and collaborate with locals to maintain their tradition and to preserve the environment for the future generations .
Albania is well-known for its high diversity of ecosystems and habitats . Albania boasts a landscape of coastal plains and a largely forested mountainousinterior and is home of the deepest lake in Balkans. The country also is well known for its rich and complex hydrographical network composed of rivers, lakes, wetlands, groundwater and seas Lakes.
These kind of travel tours consist on special destinations that are attractive by culture, nature, gastronomy and hospitality . This kind of tour is dedicated to sustainability and local tourism development. Are tailored for those people who want to explore the culture, the history and the hospitality of one destination or region in a more in-depth.